Prayer for Shalom

Prayer for Shalom

Kyle Pederson (2023)

Voicing: SATB
Accompaniment: piano
Music and Text: Kyle Pederson

God, we ask you bring shalom
so peace may dwell in ev'ry home;
Heal us all that we may know
the wholeness of Your great shalom.

To my friends and family, shalom;
to the stranger who I see, shalom;
to those I'll never meet, shalom;
to all humanity, shalom.

We pray the world may be restored,
full of grace and fully Yours.


To my enemy I pray shalom;
to the refugee I pray shalom.
Heal the hurt that tears the soul;
hold our hearts and don't let go.

We pray the world may be restored,
full of grace and fully Yours. 


God's peace to you, 
and grace and truth,
a place where you will be made new.



The Hebrew word shalom conveys more than just peace….shalom means wholeness and completeness. It asks us to imagine a world where all people are restored in mind, body, and spirit. The text of this piece invites the singer and listener to work for shalom for all people—those we know and love, those we may struggle to love, and those we’ve never even met.