I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Voicing: SATB
Accompaniment: Piano and optional cello and flute
Text: Original lyrics by Horatio Bonar (b.1808)
Additional lyrics by Kyle Pederson
I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Come unto me and rest;
In me your soul will find its peace, in me you draw each breath.”
I came to Jesus as I was,
so weary and so worn;
I found in him a resting place,
where peace and hope are born.
I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Behold I freely give;
I am the living water, quench your thirst, come drink and live.”
I came to Jesus and I drank of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul renewed, and now I live in Him.
Speak now, Spirit.
I hear the voice of Jesus say,
“I am this dark world’s light;
look unto me and night will fade,
and all your mornings rise.”
I come to Jesus and I find in him
my star, my sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk
‘til trav’ling days are done.
I hear the voice of Jesus say,
“I am life, I am light, I am love;
now come and live.”